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AI in the Legal and Insurance Industries

A Conversation with Hans-Martin Will from LegalMation

Hello readers!

On this week’s podcast, Ryan and Neil speak with Hans-Martin Will, Chief AI Officer at LegalMation, about the impact of AI on traditional industries like legal and insurance. They discuss the role of a Chief AI Officer and its growing demand, the concept of hybrid intelligence, and the potential risks and challenges involved in adopting AI technologies, focusing on transparency and explainability.

Why You Won’t Want to Miss This

  1. Discover how AI technologies like ChatGPT are being applied in legal and insurance industries for tasks such as litigation and research.

  2. Learn about the challenges in achieving accuracy and consistency using AI in these fields, especially considering the high risks involved.

  3. Understand the significance of AI in streamlining workflows and improving decision-making processes in legal and insurance sectors.

  4. Explore the balance between human judgment and AI assistance in sensitive areas like legal documentation and insurance claims.

  5. Gain insights into the future of AI in legal and insurance, focusing on the integration of structured knowledge for enhanced performance.

Our Favorite Moment

“We recently had a call with a prospective customer. One of the conversations in setting up the pilot with them was around doing an internal assessment of exactly these aspects of AI technology. To what extent has it been validated? Can it be controlled by them? What risks do they expose themselves to? I think a new set of roles around risk management are coming, particularly for intelligent technologies that are being integrated into the workflow.”

— Hans-Martin Will

But Will There Be Robot Lawyers?

Meet Hans-Martin Will

Hans-Martin Will is a seasoned technologist and product leader with two decades of experience working at the intersection of applied research and product innovation. His expertise primarily centers on the development of data platforms, distributed systems, spatial computing, and the application of AI and ML across various domains, including enterprise business applications, language technology, and life sciences. He has led key initiatives at industry leaders like Amazon, Microsoft, and SAP, as well as product innovation in nimble start-up settings. Hans-Martin holds a PhD in Computer Science from ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Learn More About LegalMation

LegalMation leverages the latest AI systems (including large language models such as GPT-4) to help corporate legal departments and law firms drive efficiency with straightforward and easily deployed solutions specifically focused on litigation and dispute resolution workflows.